Her Mate's Secret Baby (Interstellar Brides Book 9) Page 3
Refusing the role, the duty and heavy responsibilities that came with it, had never been an option. I’d been raised from birth to serve my people. I respected my role, and my family’s honor. Tradition. My sister’s mate served as second for the High Councilor of Trion. Our family was dedicated to service. I’d never wanted anything for myself. I’d never been allowed.
But the woman in my arms was mine, and I found, for the first time in my life, I resented my parents intrusion into what should have been something private and sacred. My mate. She knew nothing of Trion politics, of my family’s elite status on the planet, of our wealth and massive military power. The Interstellar Brides Program matching protocols had paired us as perfect for one another as a man and a woman.
I’d finally bed a woman I knew wanted me with no ulterior motives or political aspirations. She was mine. The thought made my cock hard and my heart ache. Pain radiated up from my chest to my throat as I looked down at my mate’s gentle face. Still, she slept. Her long, pale lashes rested in elegant perfection on her high cheekbones. Her nose was straight and smooth, her brows arched delicately above eyes I could not wait to see.
Were they golden? Dark brown? Or fair and strange, like her beautiful golden hair and skin?
My mother had entered first and stepped closer to peer down at her. “She is quite small. Why is she covered so?”
Chapter Three
I did not wish to disrespect my mother, but I had to share my plans for my mate as I intended to proceed. “She is covered, Mother, because I wish it.”
“But I wish to see her, to see the female who will give me grandchildren.”
My mother wore the simple garb of those from the southern continent, although the material of her dress was quite fine.
“You will have decades to see her, Mother. Just not naked.”
The doctor glanced up at me, then back down at the ground, knowing this conversation was not for her.
“Where are the others?” She looked around as if the men were hiding somewhere. “Someone must observe the mating.”
My back stiffened. “I assure you, Mother, it will not be you. Please leave so the doctor can continue her examination.”
My father placed a hand on her shoulder and she glanced to him, just as she always did.
“I understand your possessiveness, but I will not have anyone doubt the match, son. You know the other regions. They are much more traditional.”
There was no way either of my parents were going to watch me fuck my mate.
“She is not of Trion and does not know our ways. Mother, would you like to be transported to Earth, arrive naked, and submit to a mate you’d never met before? With witnesses?”
She pursed her lips but did not respond.
“It would be difficult for you to perform.”
I would have laughed at the ridiculous humor of my father’s words, for I would have no problem fucking my mate. Both my parents forgot that this wasn’t a Trion match, even though it had been their idea. This was a brides program testing match. The compatibility percentage on every aspect of a pairing was so high that even my parents’ decades-long union couldn’t compare.
“Mother. I am Councilor of the southern continent, not your son in this moment. I need you to go with Father and leave me with my mate. Once I am done here, I am going to the oasis, to Mirana for the night. I will not mate her here.” I glanced at my mother. “The wait is over. You have seen her for yourself, so there is no reason to remain. Please take the transport back to Xalia. We will follow you tomorrow just as soon as I have completed the mating, then spend the week with you. I look forward to it.”
Both of my parents nodded, albeit reluctantly, and left the tent. They didn’t bow as was required, for while I’d just said I was to be treated as their ruler, they saw me as their son first.
“Continue, Doctor,” I said. I was relieved to know my parents were content with my mate’s arrival and even more so that they were gone. I didn’t need them about when I had a new mate.
She offered a nod as she parted the robe again and continued her test. Once finished, she returned the tool to her bag, then met my eyes.
“She is well. The High Councilor's mate was also from Earth and the sensors have been calibrated for humans and the stress of transporting such a distance. They indicate for a human her heart rate, blood pressure, brain wave function, and motor skills are all in working order. She has no detectable deficiencies and no diseases or illnesses were indicated on the scan.”
I sighed, relieved. She wasn’t even awake and I was protective.
“Then why does she not awaken?”
“I have not met someone who has transported such a distance, only those across the planet. Therefore, based on her test results, I assume the trip was just taxing. Earth is many light years away.”
She did have a valid point. My mate was quite small and making the journey would be tiring. I was just anxious for her to be awake so I knew she truly was healthy after what she endured. Besides, I wanted to know her eye color.
“You will need to perform the remainder of the standard mating tests yourself, specifically the neurostim exam,” the doctor added.
My cock hardened against my mate’s side at the thought.
The doctor stood and picked up her bag, pulling out the neurostim tool, showing it to me, then placing it on the nearby table. “You will wish to ensure she is safe to breed and responsive to sexual stimuli.”
“She is my mate. I am confident that she will be responsive, for I am eager for her.” I took a moment to study the doctor. “You were mated, Doctor?”
I used the past tense, for I sensed that was no longer the case. She was one of my people and I could read them well. It was my job to do so. As I was used to being alone, I’d had to learn that skill at an early age.
The doctor met my eyes. “Yes. It was a good match, but he was killed by the Hive. I understand your instant possessiveness and appreciate your… conscientiousness toward her. I remember first meeting him to be a little scary and my mate was only from the northern continent. For her—” she tilted her head toward my mate, “—as you told your parents, it will be twice as difficult.”
I offered the doctor a small smile. “Then it is good that I am twice as obsessed, twice as possessive.”
“Yes, it is, although I am sure she will not be well versed in our ways. She may resist you.”
“Then she will learn.” The unforgiving councilor roared to life within me before I could temper him. But the doctor only chuckled.
“We shall see. She will awaken soon. Just be patient until then.”
“Thank you, Doctor.”
She bowed and left.
I was alone with my mate, and the medical device I knew would bring her much pleasure. Parting the robe again, I looked my fill, shifting her so that I could stroke my knuckles over her soft, warm skin. The touch was not sexual and she was not completely bare to me, although my cock did rise at the feel of her, all too eager to caress, to touch, to explore my mate’s body. I was in awe of this female. She was mine. Every inch of her was perfect. Just for me.
While I knew my parents loved me, they were overly attentive. I’d been born with a father as councilor and grew up familiar with leadership and the civic-minded responsibility expected of me. I never considered another role other than taking over from my father at his retirement. This one-mindedness and strong parental support allowed for me to climb through the ranks in the government. My drive had been singular and I became the planet’s youngest councilor. Needless to say, my parents had been thrilled and did everything in their power to keep the leadership of our part of the planet under our family’s strong supervision. But the role of councilor was… well, lonely. I had yet to find a Trion mate and my parents had become concerned. That was why I now held an Earth female in my lap. All reservations melted away from the heat of her in my arms.
She stirred, moa
ned, blinked once, then again. Her blue—blue!—eyes met mine, but she didn’t truly see me. Not until her body stiffened and she sat up, almost hitting my chin with her forehead.
“Easy, gara.”
“Who… who are you?” Her voice was soft and tentative. Delicate.
“I am Roark, your mate.”
“Roark.” Her eyes widened and I forgot to blink when she focused them on me. Such a color I had never seen before. Blue, as pale blue as frozen ice in a glacier, and clear as a cloudless sky. The people of Trion were darker by nature, dark of hair and eye. Her exotic beauty, pale blue eyes and golden hair, would make her much coveted by all who saw her. While she attempted to relax, I could sense her nervousness.
“It worked,” she commented.
“The transport.” She nodded, her head rubbing against my chest with the slight movement. “Am I on Trion then?”
“You are. We are at Outpost Two in the southern continent. What is your name?”
“Natalie. Natalie Montgomery.”
“Do you feel well, Natalie Montgomery?”
She took a moment, as if thinking about each part of her body. “Yes.”
“Good. Then I can perform the remainder of the medical tests.”
“Remainder?” she wondered.
“Yes, you slept through the doctor’s initial scans and she assured me you are well, but there are a few others that must be done now that you awake.”
She struggled to sit up, so I assisted, but did not allow her off my lap. When the robe slipped off a shoulder and exposed one breast, she gasped.
Her hand moved to cover herself, but I stilled her action with one of mine. “Do not hide yourself from me.”
“I’m naked!” she said, stating the obvious, then frowned. Pulling the robe away from her body, she peeked down at herself, then up at me. “I… I have nipple rings!”
I couldn’t help but smile at the look of utter surprise on her face. “Females on Earth are not adorned by their mates?”
“Um, a few.”
I made a sound of agreement. “Mated Trion females have nipple rings. As my mate, you are also adorned with gold, and with my chain, which marks you clearly as mine.”
I removed her hand from her robe and the garment dropped to her waist. She looked down and gasped. I picked up the delicate gold chain that dangled and swung, perfectly displayed between her nipples and held it up so she could see the string of small disks woven into the links. Every small gold disk was embossed with the mark of my family. “This symbol is the mark of your new family, mate. You are mine, and this adornment ensures all who see you will know exactly who you belong to.”
“I don’t want to be tagged like a stray dog, like I’m property.”
It was my turn to frown. “What is this stray dog? You are not a stray, Natalie. You are the matched mate of a councilor. You will be treated with respect and reverence. None will dare insult or belittle you. You are mine, and under my protection.”
“Wow. Are you for real?” She looked up at me, and the crystal blue of her eyes shocked me with their intensity.
“I am very real. And you are mine to adorn, mine to protect. You need not fear ever again. I will take care of you, Natalie. You are the most important thing on this planet to me now. You have my solemn vow.” I lifted my hand to her cheek, unable to release her gaze from my own. I wanted her to look upon me for a bit longer. As I stroked her cheek with the softest touch I could manage, I wondered what her eyes would look like clouded with desire. Trust. Love.
She was the one to look away. “I’m just…I don’t know. Not used to having a chain dangling from my nipples.”
“You do not wish to be marked as mine? To let everyone on Trion know who you belong to, who is your master?”
“My… my master?” Hearing that word fall from her lips made my cock swell uncomfortably in my pants. I wanted to hear her chant the word, preferably as I thrust into her wet heat. No, I wanted her to scream it.
“I am yours, Natalie. Always. As you are mine. Do you not have some kind of sign of mating on Earth?”
“A ring.” She paused, then continued. “On your finger. Here.” She pointed to her left hand, then at her breasts. “Not here.”
I did not wish to continue this vein of conversation. I was not removing the nipple rings, nor the chain. Ever.
I stood then, keeping her in my arms, and walked over to the table. While it wasn’t an exam table, the height worked perfectly as one. I sat her down on the edge and slowly, gently pushed the robe from her shoulders until it fell next to her hips on the table. Eager to know what it would feel like to be in her arms, I maneuvered her legs, parting them and stepping forward to stand between her knees.
Natalie looked up at me with shock and uncertainty in her eyes, but I saw something else there as well. Curiosity? Desire? Hope?
Hope seemed a strange thing in the moment, but I dismissed it and leaned forward to press my forehead to hers. “I must complete the doctor’s examination now, mate.”
“I can’t believe I slept through a doctor’s exam.” Her breath tickled my lower lip and I nearly groaned.
“Yes. Doctor Karran was here, but I asked her to leave us alone.”
“Why? You said I wasn’t sick. Is something wrong with me?” With the robe settled about her waist, only her hips and pussy were covered. Otherwise, she was bare. Her embarrassment, if she’d had any, was forgotten because I’d frightened her with my careless words.
“No, mate. No. I did not allow her to complete all of the tests on your body.”
“Why not?”
I touched her then because I had to, because I could no longer resist temptation. Settling my hands at her waist, I lowered my lips to her cheek and kissed her. Once. Twice. More. She was addictive. “Because I could not bear to have another see you, or witness your pleasure.”
“Pleasure? What are you talking about?” Natalie was confused, but my patience was at an end.
“Lie down on the table, mate. The sooner I complete the medical exam, the sooner we can go. I have a surprise for you.”
Chapter Four
Holy effing hell. Roark was mine? Was this a cosmic joke? He stood before me, looming, all protective and growly and bossy, and I could do nothing but stare and wonder what drug I’d taken.
This couldn’t be real. He was too perfect to be real.
His clothes didn’t scream alien. His pants and boots were simple and black. He wore an odd gray tunic that highlighted every huge bulge of muscle on his massive chest and shoulders. He looked human, just a bit bigger than I was used to. He made Curtis, with his stringy blond hair, skinny torso and loafers, look like a twelve-year-old boy. Roark was all man. His hair was so dark it looked black, his eyes were focused and intense, the color of espresso. And his voice? It gave me shivers. So deep. So commanding. God, I wanted him to talk dirty to me in that voice.
Fuck me, Natalie.
You like that, naughty girl?
Oh, good grief. What the hell was wrong with me?
I transported halfway across the galaxy and woke up horny?
Yes. Apparently, that was exactly what happened. But was it me, or him?
So effing hot.
“Lie down on the table, mate. The sooner I complete the medical exam, the sooner we can go. As I said, I have a surprise for you.” Roark’s lips grazed my cheek and I responded to him automatically, lying down on my back on the hard table. He tugged at the robe bunched under my hips and I lifted my bottom off the table as he pulled it free and tossed the soft fabric to the ground, forgotten.
I licked my lips and tried to lie still, but it was difficult. I was naked and tried not to fidget or act weird. Nope. Nothing weird about this. I lay down naked on a table on an alien world before an Adonis and waited for some kind of freaky medical exam. No big deal. Yeah, right.
“Good, Natalie.” Roark
nodded his approval and I felt like a little kid who just received a gold star on a test. He stepped to the side and retrieved an oddly shaped object from a nearby stand. Returning, he stood on my right. His left hand settled gently on my right thigh. His right hand held aloft the weird medical thing as he looked down at me. “Are you ready, mate?”
I could feel the frown crinkle my forehead, then smoothed it quickly, remembering my mother said that action would give me wrinkles.
“What are you going to do?” Not that I had any choice, apparently, but I wanted to know.
“I’m going to test your body’s reaction to stimuli, and ensure that you are fertile and able to accept my seed and make it grow.”
“What?” I jerked upright but his hand settled on my chest, just above my breasts, pushing me back down. The chain swung and brushed against my belly.
“The testing is required.”
I felt my eyes widen as I studied the device in his hand more closely. It looked like a large dildo with a couple of crazy attachments. I did not approve of the direction my imagination was going with this one. “And what are you going to do with that thing, exactly?”
He held me down, but his smile was pure male satisfaction. “I’m going to fuck you with it, and make you come so the doctor will know your body functions as a proper mate’s should.”
“You’re out of your mind. That’s not medical,” I replied, sputtering at the insanity of his plan.
He tilted his head as if I’d insulted him. Seriously? He was serious about this?
“You do not wish to cooperate with the exam?”
“We don’t have exams like this on Earth. This is crazy and definitely not necessary.”
“You are on Trion now. Planetary law and custom demands you be tested. If you are not suitable, I will be forced to request another female.”
That stopped me cold. No. This man was mine. He’d promised me already. The match had been made and I was not going back. I wasn’t going to let a stupid probe thing ruin this.
Besides, maybe it would be just like my battery operated boyfriend back home. Heaven only knew how many times I’d had to resort to B-O-B when Curtis was too busy, or too tired, to take me to bed. “All right. Fine,” I grumbled. I was naked. I had nipple rings. He stood between my spread thighs. Perhaps he could make me come. Curtis certainly couldn’t. I sighed. “Just get it over with.”